Sunday 7 August 2016

HAJJ SERIES. The ka'ba and how it is made.. Ka'ba was not built by anyone as Allah said, The first house of worship was the ka'ba.. Surah 3:93-94. The ka'ba according to tafthir of ibn kathir existed at the time of Adam a.s and it was just the foundation that is important. Abraham a.s


The ka'ba and how it is made..

Ka'ba was not built by anyone as Allah said,
The first house of worship was the ka'ba.. Surah 3:93-94.
The ka'ba according to tafthir of ibn kathir existed at the time of Adam a.s and it was just the foundation that is important.
Abraham a.s and isma'il a.s rehabilitated the kaaba and during that time, Abraham a.s use to place the marble stones while ismail bring them to him. As he was a short person,he asked for a stone and it took the footprint of his foot.
Quran says surah 2:124-28 of the rehabilitation of the kaaba.
The stones used as marble stones and it is white. The kaaba is covered with kiswa,a black cloth with golden caligraphy laa ilaha illallaah on it..

The black stone called hajar ul aswad is believed to be white and was like milk placed in paradise..
Due to the sin of mankind, the white stone turns black with some little white spots on it.. It is the stone that people start doing tawaf and ends with the was placed at the right hand corner of the kaaba.

This stone is not an god but a historical stone to remember of Adam a.s and the facts with this stone.

Hajj is one of the pillar of Islam and is the second act of worship that is done in a particular year as ramadhan. Solat is the only worship done everyday among the pillars of Islam.
Performing umra can be done anytime not hajj.
Hajj is done once but recommended to do it many as it is nawafil.
For once hajj to be accepted,there are certain things one needs to observe.
1.sincere intention to do it for the sake of Allah and not for show off.
2.the wealth of one should be halal earning and not haraam because Allah did not made it obligatory unless one have halal money,then it becomes obligatory.

May Allah protects and guides us all. Ameen.

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