Wednesday, 20 July 2016

ALHAMDULILLAH, knowledge is the stronghold of Islam. The sahaba used to read al Quran and will never finish unless the understand and act upon such knowledge.

The dignity of knowledge and the importance of acting upon the knowledge.

ALHAMDULILLAH, knowledge is the stronghold of Islam. The sahaba used to read al Quran and will never finish unless the understand and act upon such knowledge.

One amazing facts of the sahaba is that whenever they see any action contary to what they learnt from Quran,they will educate one another without insults nor aggressiveness.
The purpose of knowledge of Islam is to practice it. That is the basic of knowledge.

Abdullah bin masoud, a young sahaba,of 11 years who rears cattle and was a slave. Once he was rearing the cattle, some men were passing by and asked for a milk from the cattle. Abdullah bin masoud remembered the cattle was amana and so he said,
I fear i will be unjust to give this milk to you without the knowledge of the owner.
Subhanallah, due to such,he was knowledgeable,and the prophet s.a.w said,
The best reciter of al Quran,was Abdullah,bin masoud. He was young but Umar r.a will ask people to seek knowledge from him. That is the power of knowledge.

Knowledge can never be gain of one is arrogant and boastful. A knowledgeable person should be humble and should seek if for the sake of Allah.
once a woman came to ibn qayyim that her husband was infertile. Ibn qayyim asked for the sperm,and heated it. Upon that he concluded that the husband is fertile since the sperms are white. That is the knowledge of fearing Allah..
ibn haytham was the father of inventions but he never learnt it but he was fearful and sought the need of Allah,he started making surgical instruments.

The importance of acting upon knowledge.
The prophet s.a,w said,
The best among you are,those who studied the Quran And teaches it to others. Hadith of nawawi.
The prophet s.a.w said,
There are three things that follow a person after his death.
A righteous child who makes dua for his parents. The continuous charity and the knowledge he leaves behind.

Everything in this dunya will leave us except knowledge we give to people. If they keep practicing it,we share the reward.
how many of us have struggle for knowledge?
May Allah forgives and grants us knowledge that will grant us paradise.Ameen.

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