How to treat her in this cold weather.
1. Call her to come over.
2. Offer her anything of her choice.
3. Don't beat about the bush.
4. Get straight to the point.
5. She knows what's up.
6. Get close and start smooching.
7. Gentle and slowly, don't be a dick head.
8. Start kissing her, slowly, make ur kisses
feel new.
9. Gently get your hand beneath her bra.
10. There u are, I know u can feel the heat
her lovely boobs provide. Mmm.
11. Keep on smooching her boobs and never
stop kissing until she can't resist the tease.
12. Press her boobs firmly or her boobs will
eventually become Olympus has fallen.
13. Be a gentle man and make her want it.
14. Gentle strip get ur other hand down to
her G spot.
15. Mmm, I her pussy is wet.
16. Don't be a dumb ass and use ur middle
finger straight into her libido.
17. Gently rub her clit slowly.
18. If u do it harshly. My brother her pussy
will need reconstruction.
19. Rub her clit slowly and make it feel
20. Keep doing it gently until she craves for
your hard dick.
21. Now she's in trans to get her hot, wet,
juicy pussy humped.
22. In this state she's a maniac in terms of
getting fucked.
23. Leave the room at ur own risk.
24. She will eventually strip ur dick out.
25. Just kick back and allow her.
26. She's gonna suck u dry.
27. Gently, push her firmly to lie down, after
she's totally naked.
28. Oh My God, am so wet myself. That's just
by the way.
29. Get her to lie down with her legs widely
30. There u go, she's all urs.
31. Get closer.
32. Gently use ur hard dick to rub her clit.
33. Continue with the tease, till she holds ur
dick and slides it into her pussy.
34. Oh My God.
35. Let me know if you want more.
36: Dont be a jerk gently allow the tip of the
dick to work a little.
37: Push the dick half way.continue tht
formation for abt six strokes and she will grab u
38:At this stage she wants all in
39:Push all in full length 2 strokes and revert to
half length. She becomes restless and moves
her waist up for it fully
40:Dont be a jerk once she move the waist up
push it all in.
41:Dont try tempo u cant continue,consistency
is wat keeps her weak.if u r a the slow stroker
keep the momentum slow.its lovely when u r
the fast type
42:keep the tongue rolling around the niples to
stimulate her whiles u still give her the sweet
43:with ur in and out strokes,when u go in deep
and coming out adjust ur waist so ur dick
brushes the clit.when u do it well u will feel her
finger scratch which means ur doing good
45:Repeat the process of in and out until she
starts cleaning ur sweat.tht means she endured
it in tht position
46: Wrap her legs around ur neck and lock it
with ur hands around her neck.
47:The clit thts got the sensation becomes
closer and every stroke brushes it,keep her in
the position for just a few mins cos she wont
feel the pain due to the clit sweet feeling she is
getting.i advice u give the strokes quicker to
make her enjoy it while u think abt her legs
which could stifin up around ur neck
48:Let her be the dominant now,go down and
let her be at the top so u can both relax.kisses
will help u both straigthen ur spine and rest
whiles she sits on it
49:She is halfway weak,bend her over,round it
up with a at the back and give to her
in fast tempo.i swear she will fall flat for the
dick to be out.dont be too wicked by grabn her
waist while u do the in and out. Trust me boy
she will remain in tht doggy position for like
At this time u dont need anybody to compliment
u for a good job done.
50: Dont be a pussy by sleeping, at this time
she wants to talk.lay her on ur chest,rub ur
hands through her hair and listen to all her
nonsense even though u r tired and want to
sleep.give her kisses inbetween That is her
golden moment,its only at tht time she will give
u anything u ask.
Class stand pls